Always up to date: our reservation calendar / minimum stay: 3 nights

Munch Palma de Mallorca
We are organizing a public munch in Palma on September 30th (Saturday), at 18:00. It's an informal munch in a public place, where people interested in BDSM can meet.
No dress code required, and there is no protocol during the event. Everybody…

Preparing for the new season
Spring is in the air and we are preparing the house for the new season. We now have a new bigger TV in the salon while the old small Flatscreen moved to the master Bedroom. The new air-condition in the salon keeps you cool when things get hot…

Garden 360 panorama view
Here is a panoramic view of our garden on a sunny winter day in december 2016.

Change the lights to suit your mood
Now you can choose from 16 million different colours for the lights in the living room with our new LED lightning system. The picture shows the "Sundown" setting.